Peer-Reviewed Publications

Book and Edited Volume

The Poem Electric: Technology and the American Lyric (University of Minnesota Press, 2018)

Editor, Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Edition, by Gertrude Stein (City Lights Books, 2014)



Peer-Reviewed Essays

“Of Graphology as a Possible Science: Edgar Allan Poe’s Handwriting Analysis.” Handwriting in Early America: A Media History, ed. Mark Alan Mattes. University of Massachusetts Press, 2023. 72-86.

“Description as Chance Operation: Stein, Williams, and After.” Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 62.4 (Fall 2020): 573-598. (PDF)

“Textures Newly Visible: Seeing and Feeling the Online Dickinson Archives.” The New Emily Dickinson Studies, ed. Michelle Kohler. Cambridge University Press, 2019. 239-257.

“The Conceptual War Machine: Agonism and the Avant-Garde.” Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 57.4 (Fall 2015 [2017]): 659-683. (PDF)

“Reading by Chance: Jackson Mac Low and A Million Random Digits.” Paideuma 42 (2015): 333-367.

“The Online Literary Magazine: Some Preliminary Responses.” Letteratura e Letterature 8 (2014): 121-134. (PDF)

“On Production for Digital Culture: iPhone Girl, Electronics Assembly, and the Material Forms of Aspiration.” Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 17.3 (August 2011): 245-269. (PDF)

“The Other Harmonium: Toward a Minor Stevens.” The Wallace Stevens Journal 33.2 (Fall 2009): 191-210.



In Progress

“On the Badness of Instagram Poetry” Chapter for Expressive Networks: Contemporary Poetry and Social Media, ed. Matthew Kilbane. Under contract.

The Digital Hand: Electronics and Literary Manuscripts. Book manuscript.