Journalism and Other Publications

Intention and Text Machines.” Critical Inquiry: In the Moment. Invited contribution to Again Theory: A Forum on Language, Meaning, and Intent in a Time of Stochastic Parrots. June 27, 2023.

So I Continued, Issue by Issue: Seth Perlow Interviews Jacket Founder John Tranter.” Jacket2. May 12, 2023.

AI Is Better at Writing Poems Than You’d Expect. But That’s Fine.The Washington Post, February 13, 2023. Online. Translated into Spanish for La Nación (Argentina), February 26, 2023.

How to Make Inaugural Poetry Come Alive.” The Washington Post, January 24, 2021. Print and online.

The Poetry that Speaks Best to the Pandemic.” The Washington Post, June 14, 2020. Print and online.

Emily Dickinson Cast as the Rebel of Amherst.” The Washington Post, October 31, 2019. Print and online.

The Handwritten Styles of Instagram Poetry.” Post45: Contemporaries, September 16, 2019.

Who Gets Emily Dickinson?Los Angeles Review of Books, September 9, 2019. 

There’s No Such Thing as a Good Wedding Poem.” The Washington Post, September 16, 2018. Print and online.

Review of Daniel Punday, Computing as Writing (Minnesota, 2015); Alexander Starre, Metamedia (Iowa, 2015); Paul Stephens, The Poetics of Information Overload (Minnesota, 2015); and Wesley Beal, Networks of Modernism (Iowa, 2015). American Literature 89.2 (June 2017): 434-437.

Poetry in Times of Crisis.” Review of Stephen Burt, The Poem Is You (Belknap, 2016). Public Books, March 29, 2017.

“Wiki Writing.” The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media. Eds. Lori Emerson, Benjamin Robertson, and Marie-Laure Ryan. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014.

Review of Jed Deppman, Marianne Noble, and Gary Lee Stonum, eds., Emily Dickinson and Philosophy (Cambridge, 2013). The Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin (Spring 2014): 24-25.

“Four from Dear Future Self” (poems). The Carolina Quarterly 62.2 (Fall 2012): 78-81.

“From Dear Future Self” (poems). The Common 3 (Spring 2012): 192-196.

Sonnet for Caetlin, #5.” The Cortland Review 52 (Fall 2011).

Review of Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost, Racing the Beam: The Atari Video Computer System. Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 17.1 (February 2011): 104-106.

Editor and contributor, “Productions of Digital Cultures.” In Media Res: A MediaCommons Project (17-21 January 2011).

 “Doing What Tastes Right: Nutritive Reading and Joe Wenderoth’s Letters to Wendy’s.” Mantis 9 (Fall 2010): 149-170.

“A Reliable Dance,” with Eric Baus, and “The Garden Lorry,” with Catherine Theis. New Pony: A Horse Less Anthology. Providence, RI: Horse Less Press, 2010. 25-26, 86.

Robot Portrait of Homo Futurus (chapbook). The Particle Series. Los Angeles: P.S. Books, 2009.

Spent.” TextSound 3 (April 2009).

“The Noise That Is Keeping Me Awake.” Carousel 23 (Fall-Winter 2008): 26.

“A Totally Sweet Laser Pointer.” Opium 6 (Spring 2008): 19.

“On Deep Rendition.” Elimae (July 2007).

“Farewell Song for Mister Peter MacIntosh” and “Lullabye for My Fire House Baby.” Horse Less Review 5 (June 2007).

Translations of poems by Silvia Tomasa Rivera and Fabio Morábito, Connecting Lines: New Poetry from Mexico. Lousiville: Sarabande, 2006. 157-169.

Translations of poems by Karina Macció, Revista Respiro 17.1 (June 2005).